Library Rules

Internet Acceptable Use Policy:

1. Quirino HS E-Library recognizes the school need for some, if not all, of its users to have access to the Internet while on the job through using school computers. As such, QHS E-Library staff has made the decision to make the Internet available to students, teachers and staff,  for academic and non-academic purposes.

2. Quirino HS E-Library intends  that the Internet  be accessed for academic purposes and expects that students, teachers and staff  will spend no more than 5 minutes per day accessing the Internet for non-academic purposes.

3. Quirino HS E-Library specifically prohibits the students, teachers and staff  from accessing the following types of sites using QHS E-Library computers:

·         Gambling sites
·         Auction sites
·         Hate sites
·         Pornographic sites
·         Any site engaging in or encouraging illegal activity
·         Social networking sites
·         Peer to peer sites
·         Proxy sites
·         Gaming sites

4. Quirino HS E-Library reserves the right to use monitoring software to make sure the QHS E-Library’s IAUP is being adhered to by its students, teachers and staff.  QHS E-Library may record and/or monitor one or more users' computer and Internet activity for any reason and without any specific notice.

5. In reading books, magazines  and in using the E-Library:

a. You agree that you have had the opportunity to review this agreement and ask any questions regarding this document.
b. You agree to adhere to the Quirino HS E-Library’s IAUP.
c. You agree that you will be subject to disciplinary measures, including possible termination, if you violate the IAUP.


 Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
1.      Only researchers with valid ID are allowed to avail of the media services.
2.      Official registration or log in time is ten minutes before the next time slot.
3.      Usage of multimedia services (Internet, CD-Rom, and typing is limited to thirty (30) minutes only.
4.      Log-in procedures shall be done personally.  Reservation of friends, students and colleagues who did not fall in line is not accepted.
5.      Users who are logged-in and who wish to continue the next time slot are required to finish their allotted time first before logging-in again depending on the availability of computers; otherwise,  users are allowed to use the multimedia facilities once a day only.
6.      Users who wish to print or save data must save their documents using their full name for printing retrieval; otherwise\, the media personnel will not print the document. Sanction: A user who violates any of the rules will be disallowed to use the multimedia facilities, until further evaluation by the Chief Librarian.


1.      Utilization of the personal computers, Internet and CD-ROM are on first-come-first-served basis.
2.      A valid ID shall be required upon entering the multimedia services area.
3.      Only one (1) user shall be allowed per computer terminal for at least thirty (30) minutes each.
4.      Each client should register at the registration area.  Only users who have officially registered and have numbered cards are allowed to use the facilities.
5.      Use of the multimedia services will be for research purposes only.
6.      No Internet charge for students.


1.      Bringing things in the multimedia services room other than a few sheets of paper and pens.
2.      Opening or changing configurations, transferring or stealing any equipment or any part of it.
3.      Opening application programs without the permission of the librarian.
4.      Typing and chatting other personal communications.
5.      Accessing any indecent or immoral information or files in graphics (picture), text, sound and other formats.
6.      Using unauthorized compact disk (CD), diskettes or printer papers.
7.      Drinking, and/ or eating any kind of food and beverage including candies and gums.
8.      Making unnecessary noise that may disturb other users.
9.      Littering and vandalism.
10.  Any person who shall willfully and maliciously tear, deface, injure or destroy any print and-non print materials, or carry away with intent to convert to his own use any of the aforementioned library collections properties shall be denied of using library, and by a fine not exceeding the current price of the library materials and shall be recommended by the librarian to the proper school authorities for final disciplinary action.